Thursday, August 20, 2015

Next Dates

Literacy Action Center 

Tutor Training Workshop

(You must attend both Saturdays to complete this training.)

September 22, 2018 (9:00 AM - 3:30 PM)
   + September 29, 2018 (9:00 AM - 3:30 PM)
            Place: 3595 S Main Street, Salt Lake City UT
 Closing Date: September 19, 2018

Registration is required. We currently accept registration delivered by mail, email (, or in person at our office. The cost of this training is $35 for anyone who tutors through our program. (This training is $135 for anyone tutoring for some other program or on his or her own.) Regardless of your tax situation, no part of this training fee is tax-deductible. The entire amount goes towards this 2-day training as well as five tutor talks, staff support if you're volunteering with us, and a one-year membership. (Some scholarship funds may be available--please call us (801/265-9081) for more information.) Click here for Registration Form.


Tutor Talks

September 29, 2018 (10:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
            Place: 3595 S Main Street, Salt Lake City UT

November 17, 2018 (10:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
            Place: 3595 S Main Street, Salt Lake City UT

Session format:

(a) Aha! moments (sharing of tutoring-related observations, insights, or discoveries experienced since last meeting.)

(b) Concerns (group discusses suggestions based on their combined experiences), and

(c) Specific training (Content emerges from previous discussions, observations, or other sources. Content addresses tutor/enrollee needs and concerns. Training may be led by learning specialist, group member, or outside professional.)  

All current tutors are expected to attend each Tutor Talk. Please mark your calendar.


Literacy Action Center Registration Form

Volunteer/Tutor Training Workshops: Information & Registration

We need many volunteers.  We are always in need of good volunteers to work as tutors, on our Board of Trustees, in our office, and on special projects (e.g., marketing & fundraising). We appreciate your help in whatever way you wish to serve. For more information, please check out this list of volunteer opportunities. While all volunteers are expected to complete volunteer training, you can read the "Job Description" of a volunteer tutor.


   We currently accept completed workshop registration forms (with checks) delivered by mail or hand-delivered to our office. The cost of our training workshop is $35* for anyone who tutors through our program. [Note: This training is $135 for anyone tutoring for some other program or on his or her own.]
   Regardless of your tax situation, no part of this training fee is tax-deductible. Your entire workshop fee goes toward this two-day training. You also receive a one-year membership with ongoing staff support.
   In addition to participating in this two-day workshop, we also expect tutors to complete several on-line trainings, attend tutor talks, and participate in at least one state-sponsored workshop as well as donate more than 100 instructional hours annually.

*Some scholarship funds may be available for our volunteer tutors in the initial two-day workshop. Please call us at 801/265-9081 for more information. 

Below is the registration form.  Please complete the form and deliver it to our office with your check.  We will send you confirmation of your enrollment and further instructions a few days before the workshop begins. If these dates do not meet your schedule, contact us for future workshop dates. [Note: If we do not fill a training session, then your enrollment will transfer to the next training workshop.]

Literacy Action Center, 3595 S Main Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Phone: 801/265-9081   -   Email:
Our office is open Monday - Friday from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
If no one answers the phone, please leave a clear, detailed message.

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Literacy Action Center 
Volunteer/Training Registration Form

Tutor Training Workshop schedule:
Saturdays, Sept. 22 & 29, 2018 (9:00 AM - 3:30 PM ) [Please register by Sept. 19.]
Saturdays, Nov. 3 & 17, 2018 (9:00 AM - 3:30 PM ) [Please register by Oct. 31.]
Saturdays, Jan. 12 & 26, 2019 (9:00 AM - 3:30 PM ) [Please register by Jan. 9.]
Saturdays, Mar. 16 & 23, 2019 (9:00 AM - 3:30 PM ) [Please register by Mar. 13.]
Saturdays, May 4 & 18, 2019 (9:00 AM - 3:30 PM ) [Please register by May. 1.]

*(Must attend both Saturdays to complete this training.)

Note: All active tutors are asked to also complete additional ongoing training, including five Tutor Talks annually. Upcoming Tutor Talk dates include: 9/29/18, 11/17/18, 1/26/19, 3/23/19 & 5/18/19. All Tutor Talks are 10:00AM-12:00PM on Day 2 of each Tutor Training Workshop. Please mark your calendar.

Below is the registration form for this series of tutor training sessions. 
Please complete the form and return it to our office with your check. 
If these dates do not meet your schedule, contact us for future workshop dates.
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Your Name: (please print) ____________________________________________________________

Street Address                                                                         City                                  Zip Code

E-Mail                                                                                     Cell/Home phone

I am interested in attending training on:  
___ Sept. 22 & 29, 2018, Tutor Training Workshop 
___ Nov. 3 & 17, 2018, Tutor Training Workshop                 
___ Jan. 12 & 26, 2019, Tutor Training Workshop
___ Mar. 16 & 23, 2019Tutor Training Workshop
___ May 4 & 18, 2019Tutor Training Workshop

___  I have also marked the dates of upcoming Tutor Talks on my calendar. (Tutor Talk attendance begins with the Tutor Talk following your second day of training.) Upcoming dates are: 9/29/18, 11/17/18, 1/26/19, 3/23/19 & 5/18/19.

Tutor Training Workshop fee: $35

Please make your check payable to: Literacy Action Center
Mail this form and your check to the address above or bring it in. 

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Saturday, August 15, 2015

Changes in My Life: Ellen & Trevor

Do you sometimes wonder about the impact 
we are having on learners' lives? 

Three learners working together to share information with others.
Three learners creating a group presentation.
Volunteers who come in regularly see measurable differences in learners' abilities to perform specific literacy tasks. From an observer's point of view, the changes in learners become quite self-evident.

We're not always sure however if the learners recognize the changes in themselves. As such, for the third year, we have asked learners to write “2-minute”* speeches heralding the impact instruction is having on their lives. The format of these speeches is pretty simple - three paragraphs focused on three questions: Who am I? How have I changed? Where am I headed next?

Writing these speeches helps our learners reflect on their progress as they head towards their ultimate life goals. Here are two of the 2015 "2-minute" speeches shared on June 18, 2015, at: 

A Benefit for Literacy Action Center

Here's proof that what we do matters - from the mouths of Ellen and Trevor.

Ellen's speech -  Picturing Myself

      I am a single, young adult, who is highly motivated to make a better life for myself.  I have been living on my own for three years. I really enjoy living on my own. I can tell you that it is different than living with parents or roommates. I have been attending Literacy Action Center (LAC) for 8-1/2 years. I have improved in math and reading a lot since getting involved in this program. LAC has given me the skills to live independently.
     Before I started LAC, I couldn't comprehend what I was reading or work the math problems on the board that we do every morning. Ever since I started the program, I have been taught how to do the math on the board. Last fall, I started learning equations, like 2r = 14. Because I was taught by the fantastic volunteers and Deb, recently I was able to teach one of the students to work out a similar problem on the board. While I was teaching the student, for the first time I pictured myself as a teacher, just like Deb. And when I finished that problem with the learner, one of the volunteers, said, “Wow! You’re already teaching!”
     I want to go to college to become a special education teacher. With all the help from everyone here, I know that I can reach my dream! With my progress, I can picture myself teaching special education and helping to enrich the lives of others.

Trevor's speech - Stepping Up

     I'm the oldest of three children. I have a brother who is fourteen years old and a sister who is eight years old. I like to play contact sports. I like wrestling, rugby, football, and street basketball. I like to watch the Utah Utes play football.
     I'm passionate about racing and building race cars and trucks because I did it with my grandpa Sacre. We went to the track every other Saturday. I was on my grandpa’s pit crew. I checked the tire pressure on all four tires and then I sprayed water on the radiator to cool the motor for the next race. I helped Grandpa in the shop every weekday and every other Saturday. I spent four summers building a truck to race. The truck is an '85 Chevy S10 with a v8 350. My truck is a flat grey color. I want to start racing my truck at Rocky Mountain Raceway in the summer of 2016.
     When I was a freshman, my dad showed me how to weld. He helped me weld a roll cage for a remote control truck. Later, in high school, I took a welding class and made a pooper scooper for my mom and dad. I really liked welding, and I thought that it would be a good career.
     I want to be accepted into a welding program by fall 2015, so that I can become a certified welder. To get accepted, I need 8th grade reading and math skills. Currently, at Literacy Action Center, I'm focusing on reading comprehension and math. I have improved in both language skills and algebra since coming to LAC. I have scored 2.5 on the 10E language test and 3.3 on the 10D math test. So, I have a lot of work to do because I have to go up five grade levels in five months. I intend to step up into the ring and put up a fight. 

*This means that each speech must be able to be read aloud comfortably in two minutes. 


   Help these adults Make a one-time or recurring gift through Paypal. Volunteer with us. Like, follow and share information about us via Facebook.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Tutor Tip #1 - Facilitating Learner-to-Tutor Transformation

How we approach learners impacts how much they learn. Meaning, if we ask learners, “Did you get the right answer?” We get an answer of yes or no. No learning occurs.

If instead, we say: “Teach me what you just learned.” Learning takes on meaning, and misunderstandings can now be reviewed, renegotiated, and rectified.

As tutors, we know that we can’t truly teach something well if we don’t understand what we are teaching. The same theory holds true for our learners. Until they know the concept or task well enough to explain it to someone else, then they haven’t truly learned it.

So, let them teach you. 

When you are comfortable that they understand, then please notice when another learner needs to learn the same concept or task. Let the knowledgeable learner do the teaching. Feel free to hover nearby – for (moral) support – but let the learner do the teaching.

Herein lies power – this simple moment in time then adds to the learner’s feelings of self-esteem and empowerment!!! And, you were the one to facilitate this transfer of power. Bravo!

Monday, March 9, 2015

May 2015 Tutor Training Workshop

Literacy Action Center 

Volunteer/Tutor Training Workshop*
(You must attend both Saturdays to complete this training.)

May 9, 2015 (9:00 AM - 2:00 PM)
   + May 23, 2015 (9:00 AM - 2:00 PM)
   Place: 3595 S Main Street, Salt Lake City UT
 Closing Date: May 2, 2015

Registration is required. We currently accept registration delivered by mail, email (, or in person at our office. The cost of this training is $35 for anyone who tutors through our program. (This training is $100 for anyone tutoring for some other program or on his or her own.) Regardless of your tax situation, no part of this training fee is tax-deductible. The entire amount goes towards this training. This training fee entitles you to tutor training, training materials, tutor talks, staff support if you're volunteering with us, and a one-year membership. (Some scholarship funds may be available--please call us (801/265-9081) for more information.)

Next Tutor Talk

We are meeting again for ongoing professional development on Saturday, March 21, 2015, from 10AM-12noon.