Friday, July 29, 2016

Volunteer Opportunities (Updated 10/21)

Literacy Action Center relies heavily on volunteers. 

We'd love your help. If not as a tutor, then perhaps you are interested in one of the tasks listed below. Is there something you could do for us that we didn't mention? Or do you know someone else who would be good at one of these tasks? Please let us know.

  • Weekly:  donors -- create/maintain relationships with donors; write/send thank you notes
  • Monthly: grants -- write/deliver grants; write/send thank you notes; write/send follow-up reports
  • fundraising -- set up and follow through with a range of fundraising activities
  • January-May -- set up and oversee annual May fundraising event; develop sponsors for spring event
  • January-August  -- set up and oversee annual August silent auction fundraising event; develop sponsors for annual fundraiser
  • August-November -- draft, produce and send out November "giving" letter
  • August-December -- set up annual Barnes & Noble gift wrapping event; oversee scheduling & paperwork for gift wrapping event

Literacy Action Center Library:
  • December -- inventory library/sales materials
  • March, August, October -- prepare purchasing information; order materials

Office tasks:

  • Daily:   take telephone messages; talk to prospective volunteers, learners, & advocates; call learners/volunteers about attendance, events, etc.
  • Weekly: compile/enter data into databases; analyze data to tell "stories"; complete housekeeping chores
  • Monthly: create/prepare/send mailings; photocopy materials; file paperwork; setup/organize filing system

Public relations/marketing:
  • Social media: create/follow plan for posting to social media accounts (especially LAC website, Learner website, LAC blog, tutor blog, LAC Facebook page), YouTube, add other appropriate accounts (e.g., Instagram); prepare/post entries based on plan 
  • Weekly: seek out and talk to groups (or schedule director to do the talks); contact and establish connections with local media; collect stories from learners about changes in their lives; collect changes to be included in blogs; Send out PSAs & billboards about upcoming events; get articles written by reporters from different media outlets; post appropriate social media entries
  • Monthly: write/send public service announcements; setup & staff marketing opportunities; create/send monthly e-news email to thank donors; include requests; post appropriate social media entries
  • Quarterly: produce and distribute posters; write and prepare quarterly newsletter for mailing; staff booths at events (get others to help); create materials for booths/tabling events; post appropriate social media entries
  • Annually: produce annual report; post appropriate social media entries

Recognition activities:
  • Monthly: write/send birthday cards/notes to volunteers & learners; create, prepare, distribute monthly volunteer thank you gifts
  • January-April: setup annual recognition dinner -- food, place, etc.; oversee annual dinner -- setup, cleanup, dinner crew; oversee production and distribution an annual Adult Learner Writings booklet (at dinner and mailings)

  • Daily: teach an adult to read/write/math; teach a group of adults to read/write/math; teach tech skills, such as word processing, internet, typing, social media, and/or email; help learner work through process of writing essays, papers, or letters
  • Weekly: review goals/tasks with learners; track test score changes; re-test learners (note: must pass official annual training )

  • Weekly: Fix/update computers in office and lab; keep this equipment repaired and clean
  • Quarterly: refurbish older/extra computers donated to us to give to learners; deliver these computers to learners' homes (help them set them up)

Tutor Training:
  • Weekly: send out PSAs & billboards announcing training; create and check on web sites for volunteering; compile list of people interested in attending training; send out training materials; collect registrations; send emails/mailings, as appropriate; find sponsors for training
  • January, March, May, September, November: photocopy training packets; help set up training; help set up food
  • Become a trainer by taking the lead on several training segments (Note: Trainers must also be tutors. Trainers learn all segments so that they can eventually handle all aspects of training.)
Revised 10/2021

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